we love christmas light installation, we love lighting up anchorage, gemstone lights are the best

Christmas light installation fun!

November 19, 2022

Tis the season to be jolly and elevate your Christmas light game. Santa Claus never misses a
professionally installed runway of commercial grade Christmas lights by Spit Shine’s festive crew. We
are happy to bring a little extra joy to your neighborhood for your family and friends to enjoy this winter

Our lights glow brighter than the rest on the market. We can help you customize your look with a
variety of colors that can be mixed and matched to make your favorite holiday patterns. Length of lights
and extension cords are made specifically for your house and trees. Our commercial grade lighting
system is the best on the market for weather resistance and brightness.

The Christmas light crew at Spit Shine loves the holiday season, and loves to bring the joy of the holidays
to Anchorage and the surrounding communities. Hurry up and get your name on Santa’s extra nice list
this year and be the talk of the neighborhood with your custom lighting tailored to your specific desires
this season.

Leave them up for years or have them taken down and put back up yearly for 20% of the initial cost.
The latter puts your Christmas lights under our warranty so that if a bulb or strand ever has problems,
we will take care of it right away with a smile and no added cost to you. We want to keep your house
and trees lit to yours and Santa’s approval. Here at Spit Shine, we hope you have a happy holiday
season and happy New Year!! Be sure to give us a call for all of your house’s holiday lighting needs!

Benjamin Sturmer – Lead Estimator

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