According to a recent survey only 56% of Americans are satisfied with their jobs. Why is that? What do they have that the others dont? Why are they able to get up and go to work every morning and you can hardly get out of bed? Honestly the Answer is simple. It’s all about perspective. Here’s two examples to make it easier to understand. John wakes up every morning to his alarm, gets out of bed and goes on with his morning routine and thinks of how blessed he is to have a healthy family, roof over his head and food on the table. Even though John doesn’t have much money left over by the end of the month, he knows that he has everything he needs. Then there’s Mark. Mark hears his alarm go off and hits snooze a few times then finally rolls out of bed. While Mark is doing his morning routine he’s thinking about how much he doesn’t want to go to work and forgets about all the blessings that come with having a job. When Mark shows up to work he just kinda does what he has to, whereas John shows up and works his ass off. At the end of the day Mark feels like he wasted his time and John feels like he accomplished something.
If you are genuinely unsatisfied with your job then try and find something different instead of being disappointed your whole life. But here’s the catch: most of the time work will always be work and you’re always gonna have to work. If a career change isn’t an option for you don’t worry. You have to learn to enjoy challenges and want to grow as a person if you want to be satisfied at work. If you never challenge yourself then you will never feel accomplished. Not only will you feel more accomplished when you learn new things and push yourself harder but your boss will definitely be impressed too. Instead of just doing what you’re told, go above and beyond; it’s that easy. Over time you will see your overall outlook on work begin to change.
Being fulfilled at work means trying your hardest and pushing yourself whenever you can. Don’t let the lives that people live on social media fool you. It’s pretty easy to post a few pictures every so often making it look like they’re living the dream but behind the scenes there is a lot more that’s going on. At the end of the day you’re most likely gonna wake up tomorrow whether you like it or not so you might as well make the best of your life and that includes work.
What can you do tomorrow to be fulfilled at work? Show up to work 15-30 minutes early and clean the bathroom or organize something messy. When you’re going about your day try to learn something new even if it’s something small, maybe even something about a coworker. If there’s nothing else to learn just try harder than you usually do and try to be more efficient than the last time. Have some fun, make a joke and don’t worry about all the little things that are out of your control. Obviously you can’t give 110% every day, you’re going to make mistakes and you’re going to have bad days. Even on those bad days if you focus on the good instead of the bad you will be way more fulfilled with your life in general not just work. Koston Williams – Fairbanks Branch Lead